6 Best Modular Board In Australia

Displaying key performance indicators (KPIs) on modular boards throughout your workplace is one of the best ways to improve teamwork between departments and coordinate operations. It also helps motivate employees and highlight your business goals. Modular boards are an ideal way to ensure these KPIs are visible where they need to be. Why? Because you can create movable structures with the desired number of boards, based on the size you require. Flexpipe offers cost effective modular board price for its customers.
Read on to discover the 6 best modular boards used by our customers, and us!
Benefits Of Using Best Modular Board
Your employees should feel that they’re an important part of the company’s success, as well as aware of the organisation’s goals and outcomes. The desire to put a person on the moon in the 1960s certainly demonstrates this point. On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy gave a powerful speech to a joint session of Congress, challenging all Americans to land a person on the moon before the end of that decade. He urged the audience to believe in and support the project, stating that every worker’s contribution is valuable, no matter what form it takes. The President saw a caretaker sweeping in 1962 while on a visit to the NASA Space Centre.
He stopped his tour, walked over to the man, and asked,
“Hi, I’m Jack Kennedy. What are you doing?” “Well”, Mr. President, the janitor replied, “I’m helping put a man on the moon”.
That janitor had clearly taken President Kennedy’s message to heart.
Innovation goes hand-in-hand with creating a workplace where everyone feels valued for their ideas. Using the feedback your employees give you to customise user-friendly equipment will ultimately make achieving your goals much easier.
Managing through visual cues benefits workers, new employees learning the ropes, as well as clients touring the plant. When you arrive in a factory, and you can see the process, the objectives, and the actual results, explaining and motivating becomes much easier.
As a side note, if you’re considering whether your board should be stationary or mobile, we recommend the latter option as it offers increased flexibility. For example: let’s say the meeting you’re about to attend changes location unexpectedly; all you need to do is simply wheel the board – and the information on it – over to the new meeting spot.
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Point Of Use Boards Commonly Known As Lean Shadow Boards

Point-of-use is a part of the 5S system. For boards, this means having a storage spot for each item. These items could be KPI reports, tools, parts, or even maintenance equipment.
Errors are minimised when one knows where everything belongs. It is much simpler to teach new employees when resources are prominently displayed and easily accessible, and the outcomes can be very remarkable! These bulletin boards ensure that everything has a home and that everyone is aware of its location.
Although the general concept remains the same, the boards' designs might vary based on what you need to store on them. You can build boards that are precisely the appropriate size with the flexibility that comes with a modular architecture.

Rotating Cube And 8 - Faced Board

Rotating Cube And 8 - Faced Board
Rotating cubes are special because they have four boards that can be flipped over, giving you a total of 8 surfaces. Each board spins on its axis so you can easily see the other side. The main benefit of this type of structure is that it saves space. This design gives you twice the board surface for half the needed floor space. It's especially useful as a central unit or in a place with limited room to show important information.
Remember that the 8-sided best modular board is harder to build than other board structures. Make sure you have building experience or get help from a Flexpipe expert when starting to design structures like this.
Meeting Space
Meetings don't have to be confined to conference rooms or offices. Meeting space boards allow you to quickly set up a meeting anywhere and anytime. These boards are perfect for displaying instructions and messages. If space is limited, you can create a foldable 3-panel hinged board, ideal for daily morning meetings.
1 And 2 Sided Boards
The next three kinds of boards are structures with several uses.The difference is that they are designed to hold one or more boards on multiple sides. The benefit of using a modular system is that you can create a custom structure that will fit any size of board or panel you have.
3 Sided Boards
Three-sided boards offer extra space where you can post, for example, information by category, deadline, objective, etc., all in one small, space-saving spot. Get in touch with us to know more about our industrial carts.
4 Sided Boards
A 4-sided board can be thought of as a variation of a 1, 2, and 3-sided board.